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Field of science and technology classification (FOS)
Last submission date November 25, 2024

General information

This classification is the Eurostat standard code list for the classification of fields of science and technology (FOS 2007). The classification of field of science is based on the nomenclature suggested by UNESCO: Recommendation concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology.
Initial created on November 25, 2024. For additional information, contact Cristina Di Muri (


Categories and subjects



FAIR score

We could not collect the data from the fairness service

Semantic resource relations network

View of (bpm:viewOf) ×
Imports(omv:useImports) ×
Has equivalences with(door:isAlignedTo) ×
Generally related to or relies on(door:ontologyRelatedTo) ×
Backward compatible(omv:isBackwardCompatibleWith) ×
Incompatible(omv:isIncompatibleWith) ×
Comes from the same domain(door:comesFromTheSameDomain) ×
Similar to(door:similarTo) ×
Specializes(door:explanationEvolution) ×
Generalizes(voaf:generalizes) ×
Disparate modelling with(door:hasDisparateModelling) ×
Has part (has views)(dct:hasPart) ×
Used by(voaf:usedBy) ×
Translation(schema:workTranslation) ×
Translation of(schema:translationOfWork) ×


Modified Submitted


November 25, 2024



EcoPortal URI


Views of FOS

No views available for FOS.

Preferred name

Agricultural sciences

Sciences dealing with food and fibre production and processing. They include the technologies of soil cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal production, and the processing of plant and animal products for human consumption and use.
In schemes
Subject Author Type Created
No notes to display
Subject Author Type Class Created
No notes to display
Add FOS Web Widgets to your site
Jump To

Type a class name from FOS and jump to it in EcoPortal

  • Download the quick_jump.js file and put it on your server.
  • Copy the code below and paste it to your HTML page
  • Note: If you would like to use Quick Jump across multiple semantic resources
    • You can enter a comma-separated list of semantic resource ids
      var BP_ontology_id = "NCIt,SNOMEDCT";
    • You can set the variable to 'all' to search all semantic resources in EcoPortal:
      var BP_ontology_id = "all";
  • To include definitions in the Jump To drop-down, add the following variable in Javascript:
    var BP_include_definitions = true;
  • In the code that you just pasted, make sure to change the path to the quick_jump.js file to point to the location where you put the file (relative to your HTML file)
    • For example, if you put the quick_jump.js file in the same directory as your HTML file, this is the code you would use:
      <div id="bp_quick_jump"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                      var BP_ontology_id = "FOS";</script>
                  <script src="quick_jump.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki


Fill your form fields with classes from FOS

Example 1 (start typing the class name to get its full URI)

Example 2 (get the ID for a class)

Example 3 (get the preferred name for a class)

  • Download the form_complete.js file and put it on your server.
  • In the header for the page where you want the form field, include the form_complete.js In the header for the page where you want the form field, include the
  • On your form, for the fields where you want to use the class-selection widget, specify the field's class in the following format: bp_form_complete-{ontology_id_list}-{value}
    • For example, bp_form_complete-NCIT-uri will use NCI Thesaurus (semantic resource id is NCIT) and will put the class URI in the field after the user selects the class from the pull-down list.
      • Note: In addition to single semantic resource ids, you can use a list:
      • OR use 'all' to search across all EcoPortal semantic resources:
      • The autocomplete widget accesses semantic resource content from the latest version of the semantic resource.
    • You can use the following parameters to select which value will be placed into the user-visible input field:
      • uri Put the complete URI of the class (e.g., )
      • shortid put the short id of the class, as used in EcoPortal (e.g., "Common_Neoplasm");
      • name put the preferred name of the class (e.g., "Common Neoplasm");
  • In addition to the input element you defined, there are four hidden form elements that are created and then set when a user selects a class from the list. For example, if you create a field with this code:
      <input type="text" name="a" class="bp_form_complete-all-uri" size="100"/>
    The 'name' attribute is used to create the four following fields (note how the 'a' from the name attribute is appended to the id attribute):
    • <input type="hidden" id="a_bioportal_preferred_name">
    • <input type="hidden" id="a_bioportal_concept_id">
    • <input type="hidden" id="a_bioportal_ontology_id">
    • <input type="hidden" id="a_bioportal_full_id">
    • Additional parameters are documented on the NCBO Widget Wiki

    For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki


    Display a visualization for a given class in FOS

    Copy the code below and paste it to your HTML page

    <iframe frameborder="0" src="/widgets/visualization?ontology=FOS&"></iframe>

    For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki

    Tree Widget

    Display a class tree with a search field for FOS

    • Loading...
    Copy the code below and paste it to your HTML page

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/widgets/jquery.ncbo.tree.css">
      <script src="/widgets/jquery.ncbo.tree-2.0.2.js"></script>
      <div id="widget_tree"></div>
      var widget_tree = $("#widget_tree").NCBOTree({
        apikey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
        ontology: "FOS"

    You can also view a detailed demonstration

    For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki