EcoPortal Landscape

Visualize data retrieved from the ontologies stored in the portal.

Groups and categories

Ontologies by group

Ontologies by category

Ontologies count in each data catalog

Ontologies by size

Properties use

The proportion of properties usage among stored ontologies.

Ontologies natural languages

Licenses used by the ontologies

Most used tools to build ontologies

Pie charts for properties used for the ontologies

prefLabel property URIs used for OWL ontologies

synonym property URIs used for OWL ontologies

definition property URIs used for OWL ontologies

author property URIs used for OWL ontologies

Ontologies types

Format used

Ontology types

Ontology formality levels

Contributors to ontologies development

Most active people

Most mentioned people as contact, creator, contributor, curator.

Most active organizations

Organizations that fund and endorse the greatest number of ontologies.

Ontologies activity on EcoPortal

Most active people as reviewer

People that posted notes, review and projects.

Most active ontologies

Ontologies that have notes, review and projects.

Ontology relations network

Relations between ontologies stored in the portal.

Ontology FAIRness Evaluator (O’FAIRe)

FAIR Scores beta Average 0 (0%) Min 0 (0%) Max 0 (0%) Median 0 (0%)

This interface shows how an ontology or a group responded successfully to O’FAIRe FAIRness assessment questions.
See details for each ontologies on the specific ontology summary pages.
Put the mouse hover a principle to see details on the right side.