Environmental Thesaurus (ENVTHES)
Last submission date February 14, 2025
ID http://vocabs.lter-europe.net/EnvThes/USLterCV_200
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[Henderson's] n. the reproductive structure of angiosperms (Anthophyta q.v.), being derived evolutionarily from a leafy shoot in which leaves have become modified into petals, sepals and calyx, and into the car­pels and stamens in which the gametes are formed. Although flowers can take many different forms, they can all be represented by concentric whorls of different parts inserted on a base (the receptacle). The outermost whorl of sepals (often green) forms the calyx, inside that is a whorl of often brightly coloured petals, next is a ring of stamens (the male reproductive organs), and in the centre are the carpels (the female reproductive organs). see Fig. 18.
Obsolete true
In schemes
Type http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Subject Author Type Created
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